251 Ideas English Lessons Service

Terms & Conditions


Partner Entity:  251 IDEAS. 603, Gologota Towers, Wereda 08, Bole sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


1. Duration & Participation

1.1 English Lessons Service with Final Prize (henceforth called “Prize”) is an informative and entertaining web-based service that Operator’s customers can enjoy via internet access. This is courtesy of 251 Ideas (henceforth called the “ORGANIZER”). The Service commences from Monday 19th September 2022, 10:00:00 AM Ethiopian Time [GMT +3] and shall continue on an ongoing basis in 365-day cycles periods (Prizes Duration). 
      All Lessons are interacted with over an online portal, therefore customers need to have activated mobile internet on their handsets to enjoy the service. Throughout the course of the Programme, interested users who subscribe to the English Lessons Service will earn points upon content delivery. Subscribers will enjoy the benefits of the service for free, for 3 days, after which they will be charged the daily fee to continue to enjoy the service. All questions will be served on the mobi-site. Subscribers need to only click/select the answers to respond to each question received on the mobisite. 

1.2 Upon first time subscription and upon every 7 charges, subscribers receive a notification message that informs users about the credentials to access the service, a hyperlink to the mobi-site with a “rich media” feature, the cost of the service, and how to exit the service (if the customer wishes). 

1.3 An Ethio Telecom subscriber can participate in the programme by subscribing to the English Lessons Service via Web by going through the subscription and confirmation steps when they discover the service online; this is considered as the user’s request to join the service. Upon subscription and successful charge, or within the free period, the user will receive the following introductory messages.

  • Welcome message
  • MT Notification: this confirms the start of the day’s class. It also includes a hyperlink to the service mobisite.
  • Questions of the day are shared within the mobisite only.

1.4 Subscribers to the English Lessons  Service will enjoy a 3-day FREE TRIAL period at no charge after which the user will be converted from the 4th day onward to the PREMIUM period  and be charged a DAILY FEE, excluding mobile data fees charged by Ethio Telecom. Each user can have the free trial period only once, meaning that if a user unsubscribes from the service after the end of the trial period and then registers again to the service he/she will not have an additional 3 days’ free trial period. Similarly, if a user unsubscribes from the service within the free trial period (for example, on day 2) and then registers again to the service he/she will receive the content that corresponds to the remaining days of his/her free trial.

1.5 Participation in this PROGRAMME and the Final Prize are subject to these rules, which will be interpreted by 251 Ideas at their discretion, whose decision regarding any dispute will be final and binding.  The ORGANIZER reserves the right to amend these rules at any time during the Prize PERIOD. The ORGANIZER will not be required to provide any reasons for any changes and no customer will have any claim whatsoever against the ORGANIZER, associated companies and their advertising and PROGRAMME agencies.  All information, rules or conditions relating to this PROGRAMME, advertising material in any media at any time before or during the PROGRAMME period, will form part of the terms and conditions of this Project.

1.6 The ORGANIZER shall be entitled, at their entire discretion, to reject any entry for any reason whatsoever and will not be obliged to correspond with any person about the PROGRAMME.


2. Eligibility

2.1 The PROGRAMME is open to residents of Ethiopia that are subscribers of Ethio Telecom, (prepaid only), who are over 18 years old, excluding all employees, representatives and agents of the ORGANIZER, their respective parents and/or affiliated companies, and those with whom any of the foregoing are domiciled. The person that owns the SIM card or has express authorization from the SIM card’s owner to use it is considered the PARTICIPANT, regardless of the actual user of the phone.


3. Programme Period & Prize

3.1 The PROGRAMME is comprised of a Final period of play (Prize PERIOD), which is at the end of each 365 days period. 

3.2 At the end of the Prize PERIOD, the Final Prize will be awarded to the winner based on the following mechanism:

MOST/HIGHEST POINTS DRAW: An electronic draw will be held for the Final Prize in which the participant with the highest points within the Draw Period will automatically be selected from all eligible entries. Each eligible PARTICIPANT will be allotted a number of entries equal to the number of points s/he has accumulated by the end of the PRIZE PERIOD and the participant who attains first the Most Points will be awarded the prize.

The below table summarizes the point scheme that applies to participants of the service.



Points Earned

Upon content delivery (in free period + successful charge)



3.3 For the Final Prize PERIOD, a Prize is available, as defined in the table below:


Prize Type




English lessons: iPhone 13 Pro Max


Final Prize

Random Draw

3.4 English Lessons Subscribers are eligible to participate in the FINAL Prize with all points they have accumulated within the Prize PERIOD.

3.5 The Final Prizes must be accepted as awarded and may not be transferred or exchanged. Prizes will be delivered within 30 days from the end of the PROGRAMME PERIOD, at a time and place that will be communicated within 10 days after the end of the PROGRAMME PERIOD.  

3.6 Any expense not explicitly indicated as part of the Prize, including but not limited to insurance, travel expenses, accommodation, license fees or taxes, are the responsibility of the winner.

3.7 The ORGANIZER reserves the right to withhold the Prize until satisfied that the claim is valid.

3.8 The ORGANIZER reserves the right to terminate the PROGRAMME at any time without prior notice.


4. Game & Points

4.1 The Web Subscription and confirmation actions by a customer to the English Lessons Service subscribes the customer to the service. In response to the SUBSCRIPTION, the user will receive one welcome SMS and the interactive CONTENT of the day after the customer is successfully charged or if the user is within the free period. Users are not charged when they receive CONTENT in the first 3 days after they subscribe (FREE TRIAL period).

4.2 While users are in the PREMIUM Period, the ORGANIZER will attempt to charge users and deliver the day’s interactive content after the PARTICIPANT has been charged the DAILY FEE (ETB 2/day). 

4.3 The English Lessons Service continue beyond the duration of this Prize programme as an ongoing service. 


5. Cost & Subscription

5.1 Every successful CONTENT delivery while the user is in the PREMIUM PERIOD is charged at ETB 2/DAY inclusive of all taxes, while CONTENT is FREE in the FREE TRIAL period. However, customers are charged 0.20 ETB for every SMS sent to the service shortcode 6808. This is the peer to peer tariff charged by Ethio Telecom on all MOs sent to short codes.

5.2 In case a Subscriber is in the PREMIUM PERIOD and does not have sufficient credit to receive the interactive CONTENT SMS at least once within the programme period, he/she will NOT be eligible to join the Prize draw. 

5.3 PARTICIPANTS in both the FREE and PREMIUM Periods can terminate their subscription by sending “STOP” to the PROGRAMME’s short code 6808, and it is charged at 0.20 ETB for the MO. 


6. Additional capabilities

6.1 All PARTICIPANTS can get more information about the PROGRAMME by sending “INFO” to the PROGRAMME’s short code 6808 at the charge specified in 5.1.

6.2 All PARTICIPANTS can get to know their points in the English Lessons Service by sending “POINTS” to the PROGRAMME’s short code 6808 at the charge specified in 5.1.

6.3 All PARTICIPANTS can retrieve their credentials for accessing the service mobi-site by sending “PASSWORD” to the PROGRAMME’s short code 6808 at the charge specified in 5.1.


7. Winner selection, notification and Prize forfeiture

7.1 At the end of the 365-day period, a winner will be selected (as specified in section 3).

7.2 For the Final Prize, one winner and 10 runner-ups will be selected via Random Draw.

7.3 The winner will be contacted by the ORGANIZER on the mobile phone number he/she has used to participate in the PROGRAMME. Three (3) consecutive voice call attempts will be made by the ORGANIZER to contact the mobile number of the winner. If the winner cannot be contacted during this period, he/she is disqualified and forfeits the Prize and the ORGANIZER will attempt to contact the next runner up.

7.4 The winner is required to provide proof of eligibility and sign a Prize acceptance form (as requested by the ORGANIZER) before the Prize can be collected. If the winner fails to provide sufficient proof within fifteen (15) business days, he/she is disqualified and forfeits the Prize and the next runner up is contacted.

7.5 If the winner has any outstanding debts towards the ORGANIZER, these need to be settled within three (3) days of being contacted by the ORGANIZER. If outstanding debts are not settled within that period, the winner forfeits the Prize.

7.6 If the winner and all runners-up forfeit the Prize, the Prize is deemed unclaimed and remains at the disposal of the ORGANIZER.

7.7 By accepting a Prize, a winner consents to the use of his/her first name, initial of last name, city of residence, photograph and likeness in any advertising material produced by the ORGANIZER. Such use does not entitle the winner to any further compensation.

7.8 The Prize Winner may be required to be available for media interviews.


8. Abuse and disqualification

8.1 The ORGANIZER may refuse to award any Prize if any irregularities or fraudulent activities are detected.


9. Organizer’s responsibilities

9.1 The ORGANIZER’s responsibility is strictly limited to giving the Loyalty Prize. The ORGANIZER cannot be held responsible for any delay or impossibility of sending, receiving and/or billing SMS messages because of a technical problem. All the SMS messages will be considered received by the ORGANIZER when they are registered in the PROGRAMME’s IT system and not when they are sent by the PARTICIPANT. All the SMS messages will be considered received by the PARTICIPANT at the moment they were sent from the PROGRAMME’s IT system. PARTICIPANTS recognize and accept that the journal of the informatics system of the PROGRAMME’s IT System is the proof of the date, hour, minute and second of their receiving/sending each SMS message. 


10. Personal Data Protection

10.1 By participating in the PROGRAMME, PARTICIPANTS expressly agree that personal data which they supply shall be processed by the ORGANIZER for the purposes of executing the PROGRAMME and also for the purpose of publicizing the PROGRAMME and the ORGANIZER. It is hereby specified that the ORGANIZER guarantees that publicity, entailing the sharing with third parties of personal data supplied as a result of participation in the PROGRAMME, (including through television, the press, leaflets and other means and formats of communication) shall be made only with respect to the winner of the Prize and will only indicate the given names and surname of the winner, their location or place of residence, image and voice (contained in photographic records, audio, video and other types of records, made with the purposes of publicity connected to the PROGRAMME).  The winning PARTICIPANT gives, through their participation in the PROGRAMME, express consent for the use of this data in formats herein defined. Following the termination of the PROGRAMME, the personal data will be destroyed.

10.2 In accordance with local laws and regulations, the ORGANIZER respects the privacy of PARTICIPANTS of this PROGRAMME, by which it is committed to the use of technology in a transparent form and in strict observance of the rights, freedom and guarantees of the citizens and by the reservation of the intimacy of their private and family life. The personal data collected within the scope of this PROGRAMME will be treated as private and confidential. It shall not be disclosed to other individuals or organizations, except in the event of legislation to the contrary or where such is authorized by the PARTICIPANTS themselves. The data will be stored on servers with access controlled on a need-to-know basis and limited by passwords.


11. Governing Law & Amendments

11.1 This PROGRAMME is organized under and governed by the laws and statutes of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. 

11.2 These Terms & Conditions are valid during the PROGRAMME PERIOD until amended or suspended by the ORGANIZER.